Friday, September 12, 2008

Ready or Not!

The preparations have been made. There is nothing left to do but wait for Hurricane Ike. The winds are pretty strong right now but we haven't had any rain yet. After much debate, we decided to all sleep upstairs in the gameroom. We just don't really have a good inner room in our house. Brandon will be sleeping in his playpen in the game room closet. Let's hope it is a good night for all. That's something I really don't like about this storm is that it is coming in the middle of the night.

We have picked up all of the stuff outside, put the air down really low so it will be cooler for awhile after the power is off, added ice in jugs to the freezer. We have our water, food, batteries and flashlights. I guess the rest is up to Mother Nature.

I'll post pictures of the aftermath when we have power again after the storm. God protect us all!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

How are you after Ike? I hope you are ok! We are praying for our Houston friends!