Monday, September 21, 2009

The Momma Buys It and The Toddler Takes It Away

As I previously mentioned, I went several months this year without a camera. My camera just disappeared on July 4th. I haven't seen it since. I'm still not sure if some child got a hold of it or what. Anyway, I finally decided since school was starting that I needed to get a new camera. My camera that disappeared was not even a year old so that was a hard pill to swallow.

I spent quite a bit of time researching and finally decided to spend a little more money and get the camera with a bigger zoom. I love getting close-ups of my children. I haven't even had my new camera for a month and I'm sad to say - it is no longer working.

How can a camera less than a month old stop working you ask? I guess it would have to do with the purse being left on the table. A certain toddler found the purse, goes through it, takes camera and dunks it a glass of water. The camera still turns on but there is water inside of it and it will not focus on a picture. Do you think I can convince the guys at Best Buy that this wasn't my fault and should be covered under warranty? Yea, probably not.

I think maybe I'm supposed to be learning that I am not supposed to become attached to worldly goods. I should be pretty good at this by now. It seems every time I get something nice or new or clean my house, etc. one of my precious angels on earth finds a way to break, destroy or mess it up. Obviously, I still have a way to go because I'm pretty bummed about the camera.
Here's hoping the folks at Best Buy will take pity on me.


Jennifer said...

Put everything up high :) Sorry to hear about your camera. Maybe you can send it to the manufacturer for fixing?

natalie said...

:-( We have the same issue, but it isn't my children, its me. Cell phone and camera were both ruined due to a liquid substance caused by me. I am now not allowed to have any electronics near water!