Monday, December 1, 2008

Why is it?

Why is it that you cannot make all 5 of your children happy at the same time? Case in point, this evening. I made Sloppy Joes for dinner. A favorite in this house - that is if you don't count Garrett. While everyone else is telling me that I am a culinary genius, Garrett is whining "I don't like it, I don't like it".

Then, later on, we were doing our Advent Chain for the night. Tonight's activity was to draw a picture expressing what Christmas means to you. I happen to know it is one of Allison's favorite Advent Chain days. Of course, what happened, Caitlyn cried, "This is boring!" So, we sat around drinking our hot chocolate, drawing our pictures, with her whining in the background. She did finally decide to join in and then she was upset that she couldn't finish her's before bedtime. I QUIT - I tell ya!

It doesn't matter if it is movie night, game night, out-to-eat night. Whatever the special occasion, someone has to be disappointed with the choice that was made. I guess this is what I get for giving birth to 5 completely different people. It is enough some days to make this mom give up. But somewhere deep inside, I have this idea that someday, somehow my kids are going to realize how much time and effort I put into their childhood and thank me. Or at least I hope so!


Jennifer said...

When they have their own kids who are whining, fussing and complaining - they will realize how much you've done. Also you can always wish on them that they have children just like them :) Hang in there!

Kimberly said...

Hang in the time they are grown adults, they will appreciate your efforts, especiall when they have their own kids. For now, do what I do, and invest in a good pair of earplugs...seriously, it works!