Monday, December 15, 2008

Do You Ever?

Do you ever know you should go check on your kids but don't because you are trying to get something accomplished?

Well, that was me this afternoon. The boys were eating their lunch and I needed to send out a few quick emails. While in my heart I knew the laughter coming from the kitchen could not be a good thing, I chose to ignore it and finish my email before going in.

What did I find? Garrett had pour the chicken noodle soup all over Brandon's high chair tray and Brandon was slashing in it with this hands. They, of course, thought it was hilarious. Mommy thought the clean-up was not so hilarious. Oh well, we will just chalk it up for another lesson learned in the life of a mother.


natalie said...

Nice One!!! Sounds like something Reagan would somehow figure out how to do.

Kimberly said...

I was doing something similar today...while I was on the computer, Gabriel pulled out about 100 baby wipes out of the container. When he heard me coming, he tried to run away...little sneak! He still got a scolding from Mommy!

Katie said...

Oh, that happens to me all too often...don't they know we just want 10 seconds to ourselves?

Amy said...

Yesterday we visited the Heatons at my Grandmas. Sophia was really quiet and Omar found her dumping the salt and pepper shakers all over the kitchen table! I'm glad she was able to leave such a good impression with her extended family!