Saturday, May 24, 2008

What Did I Miss?

I think it is because I have been home with my kids for over 10 years. But I can't stand to miss anything of theirs. I never had to be at work and miss a major milestone. (Thank you Andy!) So, I'm just used to seeing everything that they accomplish. Now, that the kids are older and in multiple activities and the fact that we still have a baby, I'm finding that I'm having to miss events in my children's lives due to conflicts and I do not like it one bit!!

Right now, the girls are all on their way to a swim meet and here I sit at home. It is just way to hot for Brandon to be there for 5 hours plus he needs to have a morning nap. He is not known for good naps away from home. It is my turn to wait until Brandon gets up from his nap before I go to the meet. While in my heart, I know that it is only fair that Andy gets to see the beginning of the meet, I want to be there. I want to see each lap swam, every dive, every relay. Like I said, I have been spoiled by being at home and never missing out.

I know it is just the beginning. There have already been soccer games missed because some one else had a game or we had just had a baby. Before long, there will be 5 kids in activities and there will be no way to make everything. But it is hard for this stay-at-home mom to realize that there will be shiny accomplishments that will be missed and the play-by-play of the child will have to do. Of course, with the way my kids talk I will hear the play-by-play so many times, I will feel like I was there!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Preschool Graduation

Today, Caitlyn graduated from preschool. It is amazing how something like this can be so bittersweet. I am soooo excited about her graduating and going to kindergarten in the fall because she is sooo ready for school. At the same time, it is so hard to realize in a few months, Caitlyn will be taking a huge step towards her independence. She was very cute at graduation and they sang a song, got their diplomas and then we watched a slide show of pictures from the year.

Here is Caitlyn singing about a catepillar turning into a butterfly.

Here is Caitlyn getting her diploma.

The proud graduate!

Look at how far I have come. This is Caitlyn back in October 2002!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Field Day

Today was field day at the girls school. It is not the same field day that I remember as a child. Ours was all about competition. Student against student. Class against class. I still remember some of my team names. Adamson's Armadillos and Todd's Tornadoes. We had great events like 3 legged races and wheelbarrow races. Now, it seems to me that it is all about water! That is all the girls want to talk about it is how many water events they have this year compared to last. For them it is all about fun - there is no competition anymore. I'm not sure that it's a bad thing. It's just different then when I was a kid. Of course, it was extremely hot today and I have to admit - I wish I could have participated in a water event.

There were still a few events from the "olden" days. There was a tug of war, rope climb and obstacle course. But if you ask Brittany and Allison - it's all filler for the water events. Staying true to the Prewitt Household this year - Garrett woke up sick so it looked like Mommy would be missing field day. Daddy, however, came to the rescue and took a sick day so the girls would not be disappointed. Brandon might have wished we could have missed the whole thing because he was so hot. He did give everyone a big smile when they would tell him how cute he is. Caitlyn enjoyed it too and can't wait for the water events for next year when she is in kindergarten.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Don't Blink!!

So, today is the day that we received the photo albums from the preschool that shows what your child has done all year while they were at school and you were running around like a mad woman trying to see how many things you could get done in those oh so short hours. Tears always fill my eyes as I look and realize how much a child grows in one school year. It is so hard when you are in the moments of five children at home. There are all the activities of the older kids, the temper tantums of the 2 year old, the sleeping issues of the baby. It makes you just want to wish your life to an easier time. But then you look at the pictures of your child from just September of this year to May and you realize that they are actually growing up faster than you want them to. These moments of babies waking up at night, 2 year olds painting the patio, 5 year olds putting their hands on their hips, 8 year olds arguing over the food you cooked that night, and 10 year olds desperately looking for signs of growing up will be over before I can realize that these are the moments of my life that I will look back on forever wondering where did it all go.

There is a country song out right now that sums it up "You're going miss this, you're going to want this back, you're going wish these days hadn't gone by so fast." So, instead of wishing for an easier time - my wish is that I can slow down and enjoy every moment before I blink and the moment has past me by.

Ready or Not!!

Okay, I have finally decided to take the leap and start a blog!! Please don't expect too much from me but I'm going to give it a good ol' college try!!