Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Field Day

Today was field day at the girls school. It is not the same field day that I remember as a child. Ours was all about competition. Student against student. Class against class. I still remember some of my team names. Adamson's Armadillos and Todd's Tornadoes. We had great events like 3 legged races and wheelbarrow races. Now, it seems to me that it is all about water! That is all the girls want to talk about it is how many water events they have this year compared to last. For them it is all about fun - there is no competition anymore. I'm not sure that it's a bad thing. It's just different then when I was a kid. Of course, it was extremely hot today and I have to admit - I wish I could have participated in a water event.

There were still a few events from the "olden" days. There was a tug of war, rope climb and obstacle course. But if you ask Brittany and Allison - it's all filler for the water events. Staying true to the Prewitt Household this year - Garrett woke up sick so it looked like Mommy would be missing field day. Daddy, however, came to the rescue and took a sick day so the girls would not be disappointed. Brandon might have wished we could have missed the whole thing because he was so hot. He did give everyone a big smile when they would tell him how cute he is. Caitlyn enjoyed it too and can't wait for the water events for next year when she is in kindergarten.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Tammy, I love it! You are so right about the water and competition! I was Lincoln's Longhorns in Kindergarden! Your blog looks great! Coincidentally, I just started one too. Just too chicken to tell people. Thanks for your bravery!