Whoever coined the phrase "terrible two's" did a disservice to parents everywhere. You think when your child is 2 that their behavior will be getting better once they get a little older. Then, your child hits the age of 3 and you are dreaming fondling back at those terrible 2's.
Case in point, my precious Garrettman!! Anyone who knows him who'd say he is just the sweetest little boy. That was until about a month ago. I don't know if it was turning 3, the aftermath of Hurricane Ike, spending too much time with older children or a combination of all 3 but my precious angel is showing a side of him lately that is not heaven sent!!
What is a unsuspecting mom to do when her 3 year old randomly hits another lady waiting for her child at preschool? You make them apologize of course! I told Garrett to tell the nice lady that he was sorry for hitting her. She bends down to get on his level and what does my 3 year old do? He spits at her!! This is a time where this mom of 5 was at a loss for words. What could I possibly say at this moment to apologize correctly and make it abundently clear that this behavior wouldn't be accepted.
We went home and Garrett did his "time" and then we had a little talk. He said he was sorry. I then told him that he needed to say " will you forgive me?" He looked at me and with a big hug said " Mommy, I DO forgive you!" I couldn't help but smile at the missed concept but it did make me realize that how rocky this road might be - it really isn't too terrible!!