Friday, January 9, 2009

Doing it Right the First Time

I was putting Garrett down from his nap today when I noticed his clean clothes from yesterday jammed into the corner of the bed against the wall. As I was mumbling to myself about why his sisters don't do things right the 1st time, I got to thinking. How many times do I take the easy way out knowing it will just cause me more work down the line.

Yesterday, for instance, I spent most of the day cleaning out my pantry. How could one's pantry get so disorganized one might ask. Well, I can blame it on my children. Especially, a little 14 month old boy who thinks his favorite thing to do is find an open pantry door and pull everything off the shelves. But truth be told, I have a lot of the blame too. There are so many times I just throw something in there when I am in a hurry thinking I will put it where it goes later. Well, we all know later never comes and in a blink of an eye or organized pantry turns into a disaster.

So, I guess the apples truly do not fall far from the tree. I'd like to say that I am turning over a new leaf and everything will be done right the first time. Thus, leading a wonderful example for my children. I will be a bit more realistic and say that I am going to try my best!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Why can't they just follow in our good footsteps?