Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

Okay, I will admit, I am a bit superstitious. I mean I eat my black eyed peas every New Years just in case it will bring me good luck even though I can't stand them. That being said, I am not sure I like the direction this new year is heading.

First, it was the 1st New Years in awhile that I wasn't pregnant or nursing so I was looking forward to having a little alcoholic intake. Instead, I was met with a new cold so there went that idea. Now, 2 days into New Years, a major stomach bug has hit the house and I am down with the count.

I like to relax don't get me wrong but I want to do it on my terms and certainly not for the whole day when there are things to be done. Not, when my body tells me, I'm sorry but you can't do anything today because I am not going to let you. So, today, on what was a nice day, (I had visions of going to the zoo) I have laid on my couch and my bed and watched my house that I just cleaned fall apart. I hope the Disney channel had appropriate programming on today because that is what my children have watched ALL day today. Andy doesn't seemed too bothered by laying around all day today. He is more than happy watching the football games he would have missed if we were feeling better. Maybe there is something I need to learn from all of this. A little more about going with the flow and seeing the good in everyday of your life. Maybe, I will see that good tomorrow when I am back to running around like a mad woman and just wish I had a reason to lay on the couch all day.

Any way, here is to 2009! May the Lord bless us all with good health, family and friends!

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