Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Me and the Sears Repair Man

Okay, I think my neighbors might start talking. There has been a Sears van in front of my house now many times over the last few weeks. I wonder what the neighbors much be thinking. Surely, it can't take 4 trips to fix a washing machine?!?!?!? Oh, but it can! My Sears man was here again yesterday for what was supposed to be the final trip to fix my washing machine. I'm sure that you can guess by the fact that I am blogging about this that my washing machine did not get fixed!! Now, it is the connector wire that is burned out. My question is why didn't the last guy check every possible aspect of my washing machine over before he left. He knew that they had already not ordered the correct parts the last time. My second question is why don't they carry any parts with them?!?!?!? This should not be that difficult I mean I called Sears because my washer is a Kenmore - it is their own brand shouldn't they have parts readily assessable for them. It takes a week each time they realize that they need a new part for the part to come in. To me that is just crazy!! I have been without a washer machine for over 3 weeks. It will be about 4 weeks by the time Mrs. Sears guy comes back.

Once again, I have been saved by wonderful friends who have graciously helped me with laundry. So thanks to Trey, Pam, Kathleen and Kimberly this time around. Everyone else watch out if they need to order another part on Friday. I liked to share my laundry wealth with all my friends.


Kimberly said...

I can't believe it's going to take 4 weeks to fix your washer! Arrghh!
When you write that letter to Sears, make sure you post it. I can't wait to hear you vent...
In the meantime, you are welcome to bring your laundry over here, and we'll fix you a nice stiff drink.

Unknown said...

Tammy, you can give me a load..or two..I feel like that is all I do anyway..laundry..what is a few more loads.. :) Like your new layout.

Jennifer said...

First, very cute background. I might have to be a copycat- I mean y'all dragged me kickin' and screamin' into this blog thing anyway :)
Next you are way too nice for these Sears people. I'd hold the man hostage until it was fixed. Maybe I wouldn't, but Mark would! Perhaps you can bring a load to my house?