Monday, June 23, 2008

Our Hot Summer Night!

Yesterday was one of the hottest days yet this summer. It would also be the day our A/C decided to stop working. It all started with just a flash of light. We were getting ready for Mass when my dad noticed that he saw a flick of light come from the washer. The washer then stopped working!! I was one mad momma!! I cannot have a washer on the outs - I have 5 children. Well, we didn't realize until around 2 pm that the washer was not the only thing not working. Brandon awoke from his nap and was quite the cranky boy so I sat down to nurse him. I was so hot so I told Andy to turn on the fan. Well, the fan didn't work. It was then that we realized that the house was really hot and we had no A/C. Of course, we could find no one to come yesterday so we spent the day in a house with no A/C. It was quite toasty at bedtime and Brandon so did not sleep well. The girls did think it was cool that they could hear the birds chirping when they woke up this morning. Well, $630 dollars later, we have a cool house again. Now, the question is did the washer break the A/C unit or did the A/C unit break the washer. I think this mystery will last forever just like other great mysteries like which comes 1st the chicken or the egg.

Oh, and Sears won't be here for 2 more days. So, if you see laundry coming from our house - you will know why!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

so sorry about your A/c!