Friday, August 29, 2008
Small Acts of Kindness
So, I've got Brandon fussing because we have already been at Walmart for over an hour, one grocery cart completely full with stuff falling out of it, and me trying to explain to my almost 3 year old how to kinda push the cart next to Mommy so I can keep the train moving. It was apparent to all that this was not working. I was trying to figure out how to push both carts when a woman that I did not know came and offered to help. She was walking in the store just beginning her shopping but she took the 5 minutes to help me get to the car. It was 5 minutes of her time but the difference it made in that moment of my life was priceless.
I always tell Andy that I pray to God that I will be that person. The one who gives the few minutes of her time to help someone. So, thank you Miss Kind Lady at Walmart. May God grant me the graces to give out a lifetime of kindnesses in repayment of yours.
Monday, August 25, 2008
School Days
Here is Caitlyn at her desk. She's got that look like I have been waiting for this my whole life.Here is my big Brittany in the 5th grade. She is getting so old. This will be the last picture of her at her desk on the 1st day of school that I will get to take. Next, year will be middle school.
Here's Ally Claire all ready for 3rd grade.
Of course, you know what they say, "while the cat's away, the mice will play". Garrett and Brandon had a busy day today. It was Garrett's 1st day of swim lessons. The timing could have been a little better. We were late because I couldn't get out of the school parking lot. So, we didn't get to have our little transitioning period when we got to the swimming lessons so Garrett started crying.
Luckily, his teacher was quite good and he was happy before too long and doing his own version of "swimming".If swim lessons, were not enough to do on the 1st day with just the boys. (Can you believe I just have boys at home? ) We had our Mother's of Young Children Annual back to school luncheon. It is great to have the 1st day go by a little quicker since you are hanging out with friends. Here is Garrett, Claire and Rose enjoying the pushing talents of Jeremy. They don't look like there are missing their siblings, do they?
And just so that you know she made it home okay - here is Caitlyn coming home on the school bus. Mommy was quite happy to see she had made it back.
Of course, it was once everyone got home from school that life got a little hairy. It is the reason why I actual enjoy my children being out of school. Let's see it went something like this. Bus was late, Brandon woke up while I was waiting for the bus. I grabbed him and told him he would have to wait to nurse because I needed to take a picture of Caitlyn getting of the bus. Priorities I told him!! Brittany and Caitlyn were doing the "I don't have homework but you do, Mommy dance". Allison started to cry and said "but I DO have homework". That begain the discussion on why it is okay to have homework on the 1st day of school even if no one else does. Meanwhile, Brandon is crying and Garrett is running around like deranged almost 3 year old. I'm trying to fill out school paperwork, hold a crying baby, calm a crazy toddler, listen to a story about kindergarten while getting dinner on the table. AHHH, it has begun!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Keep the Old
In some ways, it is much easier to keep in touch these days. We have email, blogs, my space, etc. But to actually get together in person is not always as easy. Case in point - I just saw my closest friends from high school today. Sadly, it had been almost 2 years since we had gotten together. It's not that we live that far apart. We live an hour away from each other. It's just that we are all so busy with the life we have chosen to live that it is hard to sometimes make time for the "old". I am so thankful that today was the day that we pushed away all of the things that must get done and we made time just to be. Time to catch-up, laugh about the past, get to know each other's kids. It was just fun and much too short. I pray that we do it again soon.
So, whether you are a gold or a silver in my life, please know that I appreciate you and I want to make time for just you!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
My New Smile
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
We Interrupt Our Parenting to Bring You the Olympics
Fast forward to today. Okay, I still daydream about collecting my gold medal but I'm a bit more realistic in my thoughts and realize that it will never happen. But it does make for a great daydream! I just love the Olympics! I almost love everything about them. I can watch them from sunup to sundown. I never grow tired of hearing the individual stories of each Olympian and tears regularly fall down my face as I watch someone either realize their dream or have their dream just slip from their grasp. I have been humming "One Moment in Time" since the Olympics began. To me, it has always been a song about the Olympic dream.
The only problem with this whole Olympics is that I have 5 children who actually think I should take care of them during these two weeks. I mean what can they possibly be thinking!! They are enjoying them too but they just don't see the need to watch them every second that they are on. Allison actually asked if we could watch the Disney channel for awhile. The Disney Channel?!?! Are you serious - you can watch that everyday. This only happens once every four years. They are pretty into the gymnastics and swimming. Brittany told me yesterday that she thought she could make the Olympics in gymnastics. (She doesn't take lessons either - I wonder where she gets these ideas from!) I am enjoying my nursing sessions with Brandon this week because then I can feel like I am being a parent while watching the Olympics!! Poor Garrett, he must have asked for a cup of milk 100 times the other day while I was waiting for Phelps to swim. And let's not forgot about the sleep deprivation these Olympics are causing. I'm trying to explain to Brandon that he cannot get up in the middle of the night for the next two weeks because Mommy is staying up late to watch the Olympics. He apparently doesn't get the concept yet!
Seriously though, the Olympics are just an amazing thing to watch. These athletes have given their lives to their sports to be the best and this is their moment to shine. I love watching events that I never get to see on a regular basis. Sports that I didn't even know existed and have never heard of except for once every four years. I look forward to the next 1 1/2 weeks and then the Olympics will once again be but a memory and hopefully my parenting skills will return.
Monday, August 11, 2008
No Veggies Passed These Lips!
Here he is tonight eating his dinner - notice how he managed to take off his bib also! Can we say "stain stick".
Meurer Reunion
Here is Brittany
Here is Allison
Here is Caitlyn
Here is Garrett
She was quite good at her magic too. She had all of the kids helping her out. Each time they were still amazed at how that one ball became two. Garrett kept saying "that was punny!". He doesn't have those "f" sounds down yet.
Here is Brittany helping out with the magic.
The reunion was very nice although a bit short. By the time, I watched Sunshine, feed the kids, listened to the raffle, people were leaving. It was nice to see them again though. Most of these people I only get to see at family reunions nowadays because we are all so busy with our families. It is such a shame that we are all pulled in so many directions.
Here is Brandon checking out his cousin Reagan. The two of them were so funny. They kept following each other crawling around the room. They took turns trying to poke each other's eye out and climb on top of the other person.
One of the things that I love about going to Fredericksburg is staying out in the country. I am definetly a "city girl". I love my garbage disposal, trash pick-up, nearby mailbox, neighbors right next door. But I love being able to spend a few days and being one with nature. There is something about sitting on the porch swing and actually "hearing" nature. It doesn't matter how quiet it is in Spring, you never get to hear all of the birds and insects around you. There are no stars to see at night. But I can go up to country and actually look at stars, watch a sunrise and let my children just run. There are no cars to watch out for, no other people around. They can just run in the fields and be a kid.
Here is the view from the porch swing.
Here are the kids running in field to the deer blind.Here is Brandon enjoying swinging on the swing set my parents put up for their grandkids.
I always tell everyone that I am a very lucky person in the fact that I have to go visit family in Fredericksburg. I couldn't think of a better place to be "forced" to go to several times a year. I only wish I had more time to go more often. It is calming for the soul!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Can You Give Me a Jump?
I wish someone would have told us that big trucks, old jumper cables and little cars don't mix. I was not there when this happened but apparently the truck had too much power for our old jumper cables and our little car and a fire started. Luckily, no one was hurt. That brand new truck of the good Samaritan, however, will never be the same. It still ran but the bumper and headlights were melted by the fire. Our Camry was not as badly injured but still needed some repair. We have not heard from the guy who stopped to help - I am so crossing my fingers that the damage was not too costly! I guess only time will tell.
This has been quite the summer of mishaps for the Prewitt's and our personal and household items. I'm not quite sure what message God is trying to send me but I better figure it out soon!!